RPM Dance

Time Table

Here’s What You Will Learn

Each module is accompanied by supporting video tutorials.

Week One:


Part 1: RPM History

  • What is RPM?
  • Who and Why: Ruth C. Petrinovic
  • Who and Why: Cheryl Ale
  • Who and Why: Amy Lowe
  • Who and Why: Jo Ann Kneeland and the Importance of Her Research

Part 2: Theory – Anatomy, Kinesiology and Body Mechanics

  • Important Terminology
  • Terms in Kinesiology as Related to Movement in the Joints
  • How Muscles and Bones Work to Achieve Proper Alignment

Part 3: Defining the Principles of Movement

Part 4: The Effects of the Principles of Movement

Part 5: The Therapeutic Barre

Part 6: Week One Reflection

Week Two:


Part 7: Studio Management and Teacher Preparation

  • Lesson Planing
  • Attributes of Successful Teachers
  • General Thoughts on Teaching
  • Instilling Studio Decorum and Classroom Etiquette
  • The Syllabus
  • Creative Dance
  • Primary Dance
  • Level I
  • Level II
  • Level III

Part 8: Week 2 Reflection

Week Three:


Part 9: Advanced Techniques

  • Lesson Planning
  • Level IV and V

Part 10: Week Three Reflection

Week Four:


Part 11: Final Thoughts

  • Your Final Reflection
  • Criteria for Certification
  • Upon Certification
  • In Closing